If you like to drive your car on-track and at-speed, our MPH Guardrail Club & Open Track event days are for you.
These events are open to;
1) MPH Guardrail Club Members
2) MPH Driving School graduates
3) Experienced & Qualified road course drivers (will be asked to provide a summary of your performance driving background and education)
We run 20-minute sessions throughout the day and most events have three different run groups. Participating drivers are assigned run groups based upon their proven or estimated lap times and level of driving experience. Bottom line: you’ll be in run groups with drivers who are capable of running similar lap times. Note: these are NOT wheel-to-wheel race events, these are “high speed touring” track days with controlled passing areas around the track. Aggressive and dangerous driving will NOT be tolerated. Drifting is not allowed during Guardrail Club & Open Track days.
General Schedule
Gate open at 12:30 PM
Driver check-in: 12:30 – 1:30 PM
Mandatory Driver’s Meeting: 1:30 PM
First car on track: 2 PM
Final checkered flag: 5 PM
Gate open at 8:30 AM
Driver check-in: 8:30 – 9:30 AM
Mandatory Driver’s Meeting: 9:30 AM
First car on track: 10 AM
Lunch break: 1 PM
Final checkered flag: 5 PM
We drive on selected Friday afternoons and Saturdays, April through October. Click here to download a PDF of our event schedule.
Vehicle Tech Inspection
It is up to the driver to bring a safe, properly maintained a prepared vehicle to the track. ALL driving participants will be asked to download the MPH Tech Inspection form and have it completed BEFORE coming to the track.
How to Register
Register online at racemph.motorsportreg.com
General Rules for Driving at MPH
Please click here to download PDF